Settings ======== * .. _base-url-setting: .. describe:: BASE_URL = '/' Root-relative URL where the site will live. Must end with slash. * .. _static-url-setting: .. describe:: STATIC_URL = '/' Root-relative URL where the static files will be placed. * .. _languages-setting: .. describe:: LANGUAGES = None Enables i18n. Must contain a list of site languages. Example: ``['ru', 'en']`` * .. _default-language-setting: .. describe:: DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = None Language that will be available without it's URL prefix. * .. describe:: DEFAULT_PAGE = None Path of the page that will be avalable at root URL. * .. _bundles-setting: .. describe:: BUNDLES = {} Dictionary with webassets bundles (:class:`webassets.Bundle`). * .. _layouts-setting: .. describe:: LAYOUTS = {} Dictionary (or :class:`patterns`) that maps node paths to their layouts. * .. _ordering-setting: .. describe:: ORDERING = {} Dictionary (or :class:`patterns`) that maps node paths to the ordering settings. Dictionary keys (node paths) are pointing to the nodes whose children needs to be ordered. Note: to specify ordering for first level nodes, use key ``'*'`` (because the root node doesn't have a path). This setting passed directly to the :func:`core.sort_tree` -- see it's documentation for variants of ordering. Example: :: ORDERING = { '*': ['home', 'about', 'articles'], 'articles': 'alphabetically', } * .. _pagination-setting: .. describe:: PAGINATION = {} Dictionary (or :class:`patterns`) that maps node paths to the numbers of children per page. Dictionary keys (node paths) are pointing to the nodes whose children needs to be divided into pages. Note: to paginate first level nodes, use key ``'*'`` (because the root node doesn't have a path). This setting passed directly to the :func:`core.paginate_tree` -- see it's documentation for details. Example: :: PAGINATION = { 'company/blog': 10, } * .. describe:: PAGE_NAME = 'page%i' Slug to be used in the URLs of paginated items.